ins粉丝购买 Facebook家族变身电商平台,Instagram加入直播大军
🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - Instagram的产品副总裁表示:“我们已经看到直播购物正在全世界流行起来。从消费者的角度来看,疫情确实改变了他们的购买行为,因此我们正在尽可能快地采取行动,以推出直播工具来帮助企业响应这种趋势。”- 518 ins刷粉自助平台- 特价粉丝自动包月赞, 全都有🟨🟧🟩🟦
[518 ins刷粉自助平台]
Facebook宣布,近日将在其主要的社交媒体Apps中添加商店功能,并在Instagram Direct和其他聊天软件上扩展直播购物功能,以帮助人们“从熟悉的品牌中发现产品”。
Facebook于5月宣布推出Shops功能,现在它将扩展到Facebook家族更多的应用程序当中,例如Instagram Shop。而Instagram Shop在设计上显然会和Facebook存在差异,其目的是为了不让客户的购物体验千篇一律,运用到其它应用程序当中也是如此。
Facebook announced the launch of shops in May, and now it will be extended to more applications in the Facebook family, such as instagram shop. Instagram shop is obviously different from Facebook in design. Its purpose is to prevent customers from having the same shopping experience, and it is the same with other applications.
此外,Instagram也开始测试直播购物功能。现在,美国的所有卖家都可以使用Instagram Live Shopping功能,向客户直播展示产品,并推荐购买。
"We've seen live shopping becoming popular all over the world," said instagram's vice president of products. From the perspective of consumers, the epidemic has indeed changed their purchasing behavior, so we are taking action as soon as possible to launch live broadcast tools to help enterprises respond to this trend. "
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